Your Onboarding Journey

  • 1


    • You Can Do Hard Things

    • Reflection

    • Hello! Who We Are

    • Why are you here?

    • What is the SE programme & How is it structured?

    • What will this programme offer me?

    • How the programme is structured

    • How We Help You

  • 2

    Week 1 Overview

    • Getting You Set Up

  • 3

    Day 1: Get Your Toolkit Ready

    • Your Daily Checklist - Day 1

    • Set Up Your Intranet

    • Get Your Slack On

    • Slack Bonus! Find Your Tribe and Squad Channels

  • 4

    Day 1: Introductions

    • Say Hi to Your Tribe

    • Holla at Your Squad

  • 5

    Day 2

    • Your Daily Checklist - Day 2

  • 6

    Day 2: Toolkit Set Up

    • Set Up Your GitHub

  • 7

    Day 2: Intro to Community

    • Why Community?

    • Reason #1: The Network

    • Reason # 2: The Empowered Journey

    • Reason #3: Accountability

    • Unacceptable Behaviors vs. Bad Etiquette

    • The Room Community Guidelines

    • Quiz: Understanding the Community Guidelines

    • The Community You Want

    • Community Commitment

    • We Have Sooo Much in Common & “I’m probably unique because…”

  • 8

    Day 3

    • Your Daily Checklist - Day 3

  • 9

    Day 3: Deeper Dive into the Intranet

    • First, an Introduction...from Maarten

    • Intranet: The dashboard and the sidebar

    • The projects and tasks

    • Peer Learning Day

    • The sandbox as a virtual environment

    • The checker

    • Scoring

    • Quiz: Intranet

  • 10

    Day 3: Growth Mindset

    • Introducing Growth Mindset

    • TED Talk: Growth Mindset (Carol Dweck)

    • Quiz: Growth Mindset

    • Check Your Understanding

    • The Power of "Yet"

  • 11

    Day 3: Your First Project!

    • And now, Your First Ever Project in the Program!

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    Day 4

    • Your Daily Checklist

  • 13

    Day 4: More on Mindset

    • Introducing grit

    • TED Talk: Grit (Angela Duckworth)

    • Quiz: Grit

    • Assignment: Growth Mindset & Grit

  • 14

    Day 4: Project 3 (Emacs)

    • Intranet Project #2 - Emacs

  • 15

    Day 5

    • Your Daily Checklist (5 min)

    • Mid-onboarding Check-point

    • Reminder: Assignment due in 3 days

  • 16

    Day 5: Community

    • Community: Squad Identity Exercise

  • 17

    Day 6

    • Welcome to Week 2

    • Your Daily Checklist - Day 6

  • 18

    Day 6: Set Your Intentions

    • Habits for Success: Implementation Intentions

    • Set Your Implementation Intentions [Exercise]

    • Submit your Intentions

    • Commit to Yourself

  • 19

    Day 6: Deepening Growth Mindset

    • Get ready for more!

  • 20

    Day 6: Community

    • Daily Theme: Courage

    • Daily Inspiration Ritual

  • 21

    Day 7

    • Your Daily Checklist - Day 7

  • 22

    Day 7: The Room

    • Get a Taste of The Room

  • 23

    Day 7: Deepening Growth Mindset

    • Assignment: Growth Mindset Interview

  • 24

    Day 7: Community

    • Daily Inspiration Ritual

    • Daily Theme: Humility

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    Day 8

    • Your Daily Checklist - Day 8

  • 26

    Day 8: The Room

    • In Conversation: Fred Swaniker & Kola Olajide

  • 27

    Day 8: Community

    • Daily Theme: Adventure #TheRoadLessTravelled

    • Daily Inspiration Ritual

    • 🥂 A Toast to Your Day Ones

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    Day 9

    • Your Daily Checklist

  • 29

    Day 9: Big Sibling Fireside Chats

    • Big Siblings Fireside Chats

    • Big Sibling Fireside Chat with Silvia Muthangya & Christian Nshimyumukiza

    • Big Sibling Fireside Chat with Ewar James

    • Big Sibling Fireside Chat with Fraol Tolera

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    Day 9: Community

    • Daily Theme: Initiative #BadIdeaBrainstorm

    • Daily Inspiration Ritual

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    Day 10

    • Your Daily Checklist

    • Live PLDs on Emacs and Git project

    • Feedback Form

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    Day 10: Community

    • Daily Inspiration Ritual

    • Daily Theme: Resilience

    • Issa Wrap! + Live Community Hangout!